Moderately Sized Steps

It has been a while since the last Minute Of Arc release, even though this music was recorded between 2018 and 2022. Mostly with Renoise, as the cover indicates, but some of the processing was done in Logic. By far no giant steps, just moderately sized steps.

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This album started out as a spiritual successor of “Tracing Rays” (Wil-Ru Records, 2013), an album that was constructed using meticulous sound design and processing. A similar approach was used for “Aˈkʷaː.ti.kus”, but limited to one piece of equipment: a Nord Wave 2 performance synthesizer, processed with my digital audio workstation of choice, Renoise.

The track titles are in line with the aquatic album title, each of them representing a different zone in the ocean, in order of depth.

As the chords gently ripple through each track, the rhythms shift between various forms, deviating more often than not from traditional technoid drum patterns.

Recordings From A Dimly Lit Studio

Ohrwert presents “Recordings From A Dimly Lit Studio” by R¥S. An alter ego once thought of to use for tracks that felt different from my other bodies of work, but rarely used to release any music. The artist name is a play on my first name, phonetically spelled (r+yen = Arjen), and the initial of my last name.

Much thought went into the decision wether I should release it through Ohrwert or not. It is not dubby, and not particularly deep, but it does share some common grounds and sheds light on music I have been working on in parallel to dub techno, which would probably not see the light of day otherwise.

Minimalist Music Assembly

My latest excursions in ambient and meditative drone music, named after an unofficial CD-R release from 2005. Two ethereal textured loops and stochastically driven tree tones, utilizing an instrument designed by Dillon Bastan with Max For Live.

The Extragalactic Sessions Part 4

The Extragalactic Sessions is a series of recordings, sonically spiralling amidst the outer filaments of the universe in an attempt to escape the fluxus of life on Earth.

Moving in stellar groups alongside Alpha Persei and Beta Pictoris, traversing interplanetary dust clouds through non-stellar radiation, until galactic obscuration.


The ambiguous title “NºXX” refers to both the Latin writing for night and number twenty. Much as “Tenth” (Other Heights, 2010) was a closing album for the Reduct series 1 to 9, “NºXX” is a closing album for the Reduct series 11 to 19.

As the reference in the title to night suggests, the music is all about nocturnal dub vibes, weaving through moonlit ambient clouds.

I N F R A KLANG [Remastered]

Thirteen years after its conception, a remaster of the Infraklang catalog was long overdue. Set up as an audio blog, parallel to the Reduct series, its focus was to release more diverse recordings from the new studio. 

For this album though, I have limited myself to remaster just the Ohrwert recordings, which still clocks in at over 90 minutes. As none of the tracks dip below the ten minute mark, they range from extensive tube-amplified tape echo excercises, to a half-beat crossover between Berlin-school and dub techno, all documenting a slice of time I spent in the studio, jamming into the wee hours of the morning.